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Reviews for

DeLonghi 3D Comfort Air Purifier


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Nycole R.

what parents are saying

  • This is the Jack of All Trades, but master of ALL air purifier unit! It purifies as it blows cool, fresh air or warm, cozy air. There’s an energy saving option and multiple others to make this perfect Dec 11, 2019

  • I have two children under two and have been in the market for an air purifier for their bedroom. We have a dog and a cat, plus there are so many germs floating around outside this time of year. It seems the kids are constantly congested for a few months at a time so I thought a purifier would help. They are also used to having a fan running in their room while they sleep. Insert this air purifier with a fan and heater. It has been amazing! I tested it out in my room the first couple of nights just to make sure it was safe before putting it in with my children overnight. It could just be me but I felt like the air just smelled cleaner after I had it running. After two days it went into the girls' room. It is a tower so I like that it does not take up a lot of space in their already small, shared bedroom. I leave it on 24/7 so like the satisfaction of knowing that it is constantly cleaning the air particles. I think one of the best functions is that it has both a heater and a fan. We started off using the fan function as it was still warm outside. The last few weeks we have been using the heater on it. I love that it has a thermostat on it, so it will cut the heat when it reaches the designated temperature. I feel at ease knowing that I can set the temp in their room and not have to worry about it. I also like that you have a choice to direct the flow of the air up into the room or down closer to the ground. I keep it low because I feel like it won't be as direct in the face with my child in her crib. There are a couple negatives but to me they are not deal breakers. The fan comes with a small remote control that is used to change the settings. If you lose the remote, you can only manually turn it on and it will go to whatever the last setting was. I do wish there was an app that it could connect to, so that I don't have to worry about my kids losing the remote and losing most of the functionality of the purifier. Also, the fan was automatically set to Celsius. Despite reading the directions, I cannot figure out how to change it to Fahrenheit. This means that whenever I am adjusting the heat thermostat, I have to google the temperature conversion first. I initially had the heat temp set too high for their bedroom and had to sneak back in and adjust in without waking them up. I will definitely be keeping this purifier in their room and will most likely purchase a second one for the nursery of baby #3 on the way. PROS- Thermostat to set temperature Air purifier with heater and fan Small footprint CONS- Remote needed to control (*An app would be amazing) Cannot figure out how to change to Fahrenheit Thanks to the Stellar Product Testing Panel for providing me with this air purifier! Dec 11, 2019

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Parents' Reviews
  • This is the Jack of All Trades, but master of ALL air purifier unit! It purifies as it blows cool, fresh air or warm, cozy air. There’s an energy saving option and multiple others to make this perfect Dec 11, 2019

  • I have two children under two and have been in the market for an air purifier for their bedroom. We have a dog and a cat, plus there are so many germs floating around outside this time of year. It seems the kids are constantly congested for a few months at a time so I thought a purifier would help. They are also used to having a fan running in their room while they sleep. Insert this air purifier with a fan and heater. It has been amazing! I tested it out in my room the first couple of nights just to make sure it was safe before putting it in with my children overnight. It could just be me but I felt like the air just smelled cleaner after I had it running. After two days it went into the girls' room. It is a tower so I like that it does not take up a lot of space in their already small, shared bedroom. I leave it on 24/7 so like the satisfaction of knowing that it is constantly cleaning the air particles. I think one of the best functions is that it has both a heater and a fan. We started off using the fan function as it was still warm outside. The last few weeks we have been using the heater on it. I love that it has a thermostat on it, so it will cut the heat when it reaches the designated temperature. I feel at ease knowing that I can set the temp in their room and not have to worry about it. I also like that you have a choice to direct the flow of the air up into the room or down closer to the ground. I keep it low because I feel like it won't be as direct in the face with my child in her crib. There are a couple negatives but to me they are not deal breakers. The fan comes with a small remote control that is used to change the settings. If you lose the remote, you can only manually turn it on and it will go to whatever the last setting was. I do wish there was an app that it could connect to, so that I don't have to worry about my kids losing the remote and losing most of the functionality of the purifier. Also, the fan was automatically set to Celsius. Despite reading the directions, I cannot figure out how to change it to Fahrenheit. This means that whenever I am adjusting the heat thermostat, I have to google the temperature conversion first. I initially had the heat temp set too high for their bedroom and had to sneak back in and adjust in without waking them up. I will definitely be keeping this purifier in their room and will most likely purchase a second one for the nursery of baby #3 on the way. PROS- Thermostat to set temperature Air purifier with heater and fan Small footprint CONS- Remote needed to control (*An app would be amazing) Cannot figure out how to change to Fahrenheit Thanks to the Stellar Product Testing Panel for providing me with this air purifier! Dec 11, 2019

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