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Reviews for

Munchkin Snack Catcher

LOVE: 1017 NEUTRAL: 568
REGRET: 105 WANT: 282

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what parents are saying

Jaime H.


Once your little one starts down the solid-food-snack-path, these are perfect for helping to contain most of those little finger foods from exploding all over (you’ll still manage to find rogue Cheerios in the hidden crevices of the car seat or stroller). Some weeSpring parents suggest labeling the cups or tying a piece of string on the handle as most tots you run into at the playground, daycare, or in playgroup will have a set of these, too. Want to learn more? Check out Munchkin's page on weeSpring.

what parents are saying

LOVE: 1017 NEUTRAL: 568
REGRET: 105 WANT: 282

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  • Q: How secure are the lids on these cups? Want to make sure there isn't risk of a food explosion!

    asked by Margo B. - Mar 24, 2014

  • There is always a risk of a food explosion, when it comes to babies and toddlers. :) Looks like Munchkin has updated them, though, with these new click-lock ones.

    Allyson D. - Mar 24, 2014

  • They hold up well being tossed around. However, despite the lid, you can't prevent your kid from putting their entire hand inside and pulling out a handful of cheerios.

    Jessica S. - Mar 24, 2014

  • They work fairly well, but food will definitely come out!

    Erika T. - Mar 24, 2014

  • These work great! Of course, a few may spill with a hard toss or as the child pulls out a handful of snacks, but I never experienced a full-on snack explosion when using these - and we used them ALL THE TIME! Love 'em.

    Mary Jacqueline A. - Mar 24, 2014

  • I found that the lids themselves stay on securely. As others have said, you'll get stray snacks flying out here and there, but we never had anything close to what I'd call an explosion :)

    Heather C. - Mar 25, 2014


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